This past Saturday was the night of our senior prom. Now, my mental picture of senior prom has always been very influenced by various American high school movies circling around the theme. There's a prom checklist to be filled in if you want a good outro song when the aftertitles start rolling. "Have more than three 'Yes'? Go to 'The End' and win the game."
- Beautiful spring weather: Yes.
- Pretty dress: Yes.
- Handsome prom date (who knew how to dance): Yes.
- The classical walk-down-the-stair-accompanied-by-camera-flashes: Yes.
- Wonderful friends helping out with hair-styling and make up: Yes, which saved what little sanity I have.
- Waltzing without hurting people: Yes, hopefully.
- Good food and many toasts: Yes.
- Good music and skilled DJ: Yes and no.
- Live band: Sadly, no.
- Drunk and happy teenagers: Yes, very.
- Prom photo: Yes, see below.
I won the game. And the night was fabulously fun. :)